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discovery Flight
Discover the world of flying
during this exciting and informative
maiden voyage. Learn More>

Flight Training Learn to fly today and begin to fulfill your aviation dreams! Learn More>

Aircraft Rental Need an airplane? Call us for
great rates and easy terms and you'll be
on your way. Learn More>

Aerial PhotographyProfessional-quality photography from the air. Great rates. Learn More>



Contact us today to set up your Discovery Flight! Log your first time in flight for a low price of just $120! You'll fly along with an instructor in one of our airplanes for a 30-minute flight. You'll sit in the cockpit and experience firsthand the thrills of climbing, turning, descending and even landing! You'll also get up-close and personal with all the controls, and learn a lot about them.

Plus, your Discovery Flight time counts toward your training time once you sign up!

Call Today to get Started! 972.222.3546


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